- Grand Island Public Schools
- Curriculum & Instruction
- Textbook Loan Program
State Statute Section 79-734 provides for an appropriation for monies for the purchase of textbooks for loan to students attending private approved or accredited schools. Rule 4 ("Regulations for Textbook Loans to Children Enrolled in Private Schools in Nebraska") is the applicable rule for the textbook loan process and the disbursement of the monies.
The books purchased under this program must be kept under separate inventory, and reissued annually at the request of parents of children attending approved or accredited non-public schools (Rule 4, Section 004.07 and Appendix A).
An “Application for Loan of Textbooks” (Appendix A) must be completed annually by parents of children who wish to borrow textbooks from the public school district (not by the private school officials or employees). These applications are due annually to the public school district by January 15 for the following school year (Rule 4, Section 003 and Appendix A).
For more information on the Nebraska rules and to download the required forms, click here.