Gifted & Talented

  • Gifted learners are those who demonstrate outstanding levels of aptitude (defined as an exceptional intellectual ability to reason and learn) or competence (documented performance or achievement) in areas of academic intellect and who require accelerated or differentiated curriculum and support in order to develop those capabilities fully.

    Gifted and Talented learners will be identified in academic area(s) of strength. Identification will be based on multiple data points and monitored through the Response to Intervention (RtI) Process:

    • The RtI team may include parents, teachers, students, integration specialists, counselors, para-professionals, psychologists, administrators, and community members.
    • A collected body of evidence, to include multiple sources of data that demonstrates exceptional development, will proceed throughout enrollment in GIPS using the RtI process.
    • RtI Tier 1 interventions will be implemented by the classroom teacher with support from the RtI team.
    • Tier 2 interventions will be developed and implemented by the RtI team.
    • Tier 3 interventions will be developed and implemented by the RtI team and support from external expertise.
    • Student progress and fidelity of implementation will be monitored through the RtI process, using evidence identified by the RtI team.

    Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade students are not typically identified as Tier 2 or 3 based on developmental research. Differentiation for K-2 students occurs within the classroom at Tier 1. K-2 students demonstrating exceptional skills may receive extensions to learning in small group pull-out. This is a team decision based on evidence.

    Students who have been identified as gifted in a previous district will need to qualify by GIPS guiding principles.

    Once a student has been identified, he/she will remain identified in areas of giftedness until graduation. Gifted students who are nonproductive will be referred to the RtI team. Efforts will be made to target the source(s) of the underachievement and develop individualized interventions to address it.


    The G&T Program accomplishes its purpose of providing challenging experiences for G&T learners through a partnership of student, family, school, and community and a diverse range of rigorous educational opportunities.

    Grand Island Public Schools uses the Response to Intervention (RtI) framework on a daily basis to meet the individualized learning needs of academically talented students. Gifted and Talented students will be identified based on academic areas of strength and monitored through the RtI process. The RtI team may include parents, teachers, students, gifted specialists, counselors, instructional coaches, coaches, psychologists, and administrators. A collected body of evidence including multiple sources of data that demonstrates exceptional development will proceed throughout enrollment in GIPS using the RtI process.

    Student movement through the RtI tiers is a fluid process based on student needs. Needs are determined through an ongoing, balanced system of assessments. Needs are continually assessed and instruction/intervention is adjusted as needed. Student progress and fidelity of implementation will be monitored through the RtI process, using evidence identified by the RtI team.

    Through the Gifted and Talented Program, G&T learners are introduced to career and college opportunities based on area(s) of academic strength; engaged in rigorous differentiated curriculum supported by stakeholders; provided with opportunities to collaborate with like-minded learners; and provided with social/emotional support for characteristics specific to giftedness.