- Grand Island Public Schools
- Curriculum & Instruction
- Gifted & Talented
Gifted & Talented
Grand Island Public Schools is committed to recognizing, identifying, and serving the unique needs of gifted learners. Gifted learners perform, or have the capacity to perform, at greater levels in one or more domains of instruction in comparison to individuals of the same age, educational experience, or environment and who require accelerated or differentiated curriculum programs to develop those abilities fully. (NDE)
Students will be identified for gifted services in reading and math and monitored through the Multi- Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework. The MTSS team may include parents, teachers, students, gifted specialists, counselors, instructional coaches, coaches, psychologists, and administrators. A body of evidence, gathered from multiple sources of data to demonstrate exceptional development, will be reviewed throughout a student's enrollment in GIPS within the MTSS framework.
Through the GIPS Gifted & Talented Program, gifted learners engage in a rigorous differentiated curriculum; collaborate with like-minded learners; explore college and career opportunities aligned with their academic strengths; and receive social-emotional support tailored to the unique characteristics of giftedness.