- Grand Island Public Schools
- GIPS Superintendent
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GIPS Superintendent Matt Fisher
Having the chance to serve the community of Grand Island as Superintendent for Grand Island Public Schools has been a challenging and rewarding opportunity for me.
Since my previous experience as an educator has all been in districts much smaller than the Grand Island district there has been much to learn about how a large school district operates. Initially the size of the district was a little scary. However, as I have had a chance to spend time leading the district I have come to realize that while we are serving almost 10,000 students when you get down to the classroom level the same ideals that exist in small schools exist here. Staff members know our students and their families and they care deeply about seeing that those students have everything they need to succeed.
I have discovered that one of the great things about being in a larger district are the supports that can be provided for students and staff. Because we have a number of students who have similar needs we can create programming that meets those needs. Because we have many staff members who face similar challenges in their work we can provide training specific to those challenges. To see firsthand how the district is meeting the needs of our students and staff has been very rewarding for me.
We have incredible learning and teaching taking place in our classrooms across our 19 schools.
From the Academies & Pathways at Grand Island Senior High, to the rigorous learning and discovery at our three Middle Schools, to the collective focus on student success at our 14 Elementary schools, to our growing, innovative approach to Early Childhood Education, we have countless reasons to be proud at Grand Island Public Schools.
As I look to the future of the district there is certainly more meaningful work ahead of us.
The diverse backgrounds of our students present incredible growth experiences for all of our students and staff. At the same time having students with different home languages (over 50 spoken districtwide), cultures and educational backgrounds presents a unique set of opportunities and hurdles for our district.
The overall growth of the Grand Island community also gives pause for thought about future school needs. Right now we have the space needed to serve the needs of our students. However, we know that as the community grows in different directions those needs are going to change. Planning has to be done ahead of those changes to make sure we are positioned for future needs.
Ultimately, the determination and caring attitude of our staff, our administration and our board of education will find ways to continue investing in our students, staff, families, and community and doing the work together of shaping our school district.
I am excited to be a part of the excellent work being done in the Grand Island Public Schools!- Matt Fisher, Superintendent