In our district, a curriculum is more than a collection of activities. A curriculum must develop important skills along with coherent learning progressions that develop connections among areas of mathematical study and between mathematics and the real world. We require all students to have access to a high-quality mathematics curriculum, effective teaching and learning, high expectations, and the support and resources needed to maximize their learning potential.
The mathematics curriculum develops mathematical literacy to ensure every student has the knowledge and understanding to persevere in solving problems where critical thinking, reasoning, and creativity are vital. Teachers look for evidence of proficiency with important mathematics content and practices. A variety of strategies and data sources are used to measure student understanding. Feedback helps students become better judges of their work and supports the advancement of their own learning.
Students will experience a balance between building conceptual understanding, increasing procedural skill and fluency, and real-world application. In addition, they will engage in meaningful learning through individual and collaborative experiences that promote their ability to make sense of mathematical ideas and reason mathematically. Through the use of analytical discourse and respectful discussion while problem-solving, students will engage with multiple mathematical perspectives, both individually and collaboratively. Students will apply knowledge for problem-solving and be capable of thinking and reasoning mathematically, important skills needed to meet the challenges of society.