Board Policies

This Policy is under review.

8456 - Student Use of Personal Electronic Communication Devices (ECDs)

Last Updated Date: 08/08/2024

Adoption Date: 06/12/2012

Revision History: 12/14/2017, 07/12/2018, 10/13/2022, 08/08/2024

Electronic Communication Devices (ECDs) when used in support of student learning are allowed in Grand Island Public Schools according to the procedures included in this document. While discouraged, students may bring personal technology, including computers, smart phones, network access devices, or other electronic communication devices to school provided that such technology is used for instructional purposes. Students shall abide by the instructions provided by teachers and other school staff in the use of such personal technologies. When allowed, access to the Internet or other district communication systems from personal technology is limited to wireless access points on the school campuses. Access to the Internet or to other district communication systems from personal technology is not available via hardwire connections. Video game systems, DVD players, and other devices, which serve no educational function, are prohibited.

Cameras and/or video recorders (other than those incorporated into ECDs) are not allowed in school buildings, on school-provided transportation, or at school-sponsored activities without the express authorization in advance by the building principal or designee. The use of any photographic or video equipment, including such equipment incorporated into ECDs, is prohibited without expressed administrative consent.

Personal ECDs are allowed on school property subject to the following:

  1. Typically, unless otherwise defined below, student ECDs will be prohibited from connecting to the wireless network due to interference with our 1 to 1 device initiative.  Students will be asked to disable Wi-Fi and to disable any hotspot functionality as it causes additional channel congestion on the wireless network.
  2. Camera, video, and/or audio recorders will not be used while on school property, at school-sponsored activities, or while on school-provided transportation, without administrative consent.
  3. Phones should be kept either turned off, or on silent following the rules specified by the classroom teacher.
  4. Any ECD containing an integrated camera will be turned off (not simply on silent or vibrate mode) and kept stowed out of sight in locker/dressing rooms or on district provided transportation.
  5. When allowed by administration, personal ECDs are only allowed to connect to the filtered, wireless network in the district. Students shall not attempt to circumvent technology protection measures, such as network internet access filtering.
  6. Students in grades 6-12 may use personal ECDs at school following administrative guidelines. Buildings may ask students to turn off devices that are not contributing to the learning environment. Guidelines for acceptable use are available in the student handbook.
  7. Students in grades Pre-K-5 are discouraged from bringing ECDs to school.
  8. Use of ECDs will follow the same network access guidelines as included in the Acceptable Use Agreement.  Examples of behavior which is not tolerated includes but is not limited to:
      • cheating;
      • bullying or harassment;
      • displaying, accessing, or downloading obscene or pornographic materials; or
      • disruption of the learning environment.
  1. The consequences for using ECDs in violation of the aforementioned rules, state or federal law, or school board policy are as follows:
    For Elementary and middle schools:
    • 1st Office Referral: The ECD will be confiscated, turned into the school office, and picked up by the student from the principal by the end of the day, unless the device is needed longer for examination by school or district IT personnel. Document MAJOR incident in Synergy
    • 2nd Office Referral: The ECD will be confiscated, turned into the school office, and picked up by the student at the end of the day along with parent contact. Document MAJOR incident in Synergy
    • 3rd Office Referral: The ECD will be confiscated, turned into the school office, and picked up by a parent at the end of the day along with parent contact. Document MAJOR incident in Synergy
    • 4th Office Referral: Insubordination - 1 Day OSS
    • 5th Office Referral: Insubordination – Individual student/parent plan

For Grand Island Senior High:

    • Personal electronic devices will remain off and out of sight from 8:05 am-3:30 pm in all Grand Island Senior High buildings
      • This includes classrooms as well as all common spaces (halls, bathroom, lunch rooms, etc.)
      • This includes open blocks and open lunch
    • Failure to abide by these expectations will result in personal electrontic devices being confiscated by building administrators 
      • If a phone is confiscated, it will only be returned to a parent/guardian during the times of 4:00-4:30 pm
  1. In addition to the above consequences, school officials may conduct a search of the ECD if they have reasonable suspicion that the student was using the ECD to violate the law, school board policies, or school rules. Depending on the nature of the violation, school officials may make a referral to law enforcement officials, and/or commence disciplinary action against the student such as expulsion, suspension, or reassignment. The possession of obscene or pornographic or other illicit material on an ECD will result in a referral to law enforcement officials.
  2. Grand Island Public Schools will not be responsible for the loss, theft or damage to personal ECDs. Students who bring such devices onto school property do so at their own risk of loss and with the understanding that unclaimed devices will be disposed of by the school at the end of the semester.

Policy References:

Children’s Internet Protection Act, 47 USC § 254 FCC Order adopted August 10, 201147 USC § 254(h)(1)(b); 47 CFR 54.500(b) and 68 FR 36932 (2003) (E-rate restrictions) Neb. Rev. Stat. § 49-14,101.01 (Political Accountability and Disclosure Act)