- Grand Island Public Schools
- School Supply List
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School Supply List
Recommended list
These items are recommended for purchase by parents/guardians. These supplies are not a requirement to attend school. Schools can provided individual classroom "wish lists" if patrons would like to donate supplies.
- Headphones (no earbuds)
- Book bag/backpack
- 24 Count Crayons
- Pencils
- Pencil bag or box
- Large erasers
- Fiskar scissors
- 3 - Two Pocket folders
- Glue/glue sticks
- Thick EXPO markers (erasable)
- Thin EXPO markers (erasable)
- Facial Tissue
- Headphones
- Book bag/backpack
- Crayons
- Pencils
- Pencil bag
- Erasers
- Fiskar scissors
- 3 - Two Pocket folders
- Glue/glue sticks
- Colored pencils
- 1 Spiral notebook
- Loose-leaf paper (wide or college)
- Thick EXPO markers (erasable)
- Thin EXPO markers (erasable)
- Facial Tissue
* No Trapper Keepers *
Barr Middle School
All students
- Pencils (need a pencil every day!)
- 2, 1” binders
- 4 composition notebooks
- Tennis shoes for PE
- Wired headphones/earbuds
6th grade
- Pencil pouch
- Pocket folders
7th grade
- Pocket folders (ELA)
- Loose-leaf papers (Social Studies)
8th grade
- Graph paper
- Pocket folder
Walnut Middle School- Pens: red, blue and black
- Pencils
- 2” binder
- Wired headphones/earbuds
Westridge Middle SchoolAll Students
- 1 - 2 pocket paper folder with prongs
- 4 - 2 pocket paper folders without prongs
- 1 spiral one subject notebook
- 1 composition notebook
- 1 multi color highlighter pack
- Colored pencils
- 3x5 index cards
- 1 pack of post-its
- 2 - 1" binders
- 3 ring pencil pouch
- Corded headphones/earbuds (wireless are not allowed)
- Closed toe athletic shoes and athletic wear for PE
The school will have materials for all students that can not provide them.
HIGH SCHOOL- GISH students are told by individual teachers what supplies they will need.
- Activity supplies are listed here.