Special Transfer Request

  • 2025-26 Special Transfer Requests

    Elementary Special Transfer Request Form

    Middle School Special Transfer Request Form

    As we near the start of the school year and have finalized most of the class assignments across the district, we want to share how any special transfer requests for elementary or middle school students should be made through the last date for transfer requests (the first Friday after Labor Day Policy 8331).

    Here are the steps for the Special Transfer process at this time:
    1. Parent/Guardian must visit the school they wish to transfer to and make the request at the building.  
    2. The building principal will review the request and make a decision based on all factors (capacity and staffing, etc.)
    3. If the transfer is granted, the school will follow up and assist in enrolling the child in transfer school.
    4. If the transfer is not granted, the student will stay at resident school.
    5. If the parent/guardian has questions about a decision, please contact Student Services at (308) 385-5900. 


    • Special transfer requests will be reviewed by August 2025 and all families and students will be notified by the school of acceptance or denial. 
    • For additional questions, explore our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page HERE.