The Grand Island Public Schools Welcome Center is the central location to greet new English Language Learner students and their families enrolling in our school district.

    The Welcome Center (WC) helps multilingual families complete the online registration for enrollment in Grand Island Public Schools (GIPS). We will assess the children’s English language proficiency skills to determine eligibility in the district’s English Learner (EL) program and prepare students and families for their first day of school.

    The WC supports incoming families who are new to the district and speak a language other than English. We introduce them to our GIPS family and guide them in learning about our district and their new school. The WC also connects families with resources within the community. We listen, answer questions and gain an understanding of where our families are coming from, their strengths and the obstacles they face.

    In addition, the Welcome Center provides ESL classes to parents and serves as a resource for families to access community services including the: Central District Health Department, WIC, the Heartland Health Center, Literacy CouncilMulticultural Coalition, the Nutrition Education Program, the Title IC Education Program, and the GIPS Families in Transition program.

    Since its inception in 2007, the Welcome Center has been committed to treating each student and family with fairness and dignity, fostering a sense of support and belonging as the student begins their educational journey in our district.


    GIPS Welcome Center
    Career Pathways Institute (Door 16)
    1215 S. Adams St.
    Grand Island, NE 68801

    Melinda Strugill, Welcome Center Coordinator  | Gabriela Gonzalez, Family Liaison

    Phone: (308) 385-5551
    Fax: (308) 385-6317