Busing Schedule

  • Yellow school bus at Knickrehm Elementary


    Grand Island Public Schools authorizes the use of surveillance cameras and audio recordings in school buses to ensure the health, welfare, and safety of all students and staff. The busing service we use, Holiday Express, will be adding the cameras as part of their company procedures.  The use of cameras and audio recording equipment will help maintain a safe and healthy environment for our students and staff.

    You may read the full list GIPS Transportation Expectations HERE


    2024-25 BUS ROUTES:

    GIPS will continue offering transportation support for the 2024-25 school year for the following routes:

    • Gates & Knickrehm bus routes for middle school students riding to Westridge Middle School (AM/PM)

    • Routes running between GISH and CPI and CCC throughout the day supporting CPI and CCC classes as well as Newcomers students

    • Elementary Newcomers (Grades 2nd-5th) routes between home schools and Stolley Park Elementary School (AM/PM)

    • Middle School Routes AFTER activities practices

    • Field Trips & Extracurricular Activities 

    • Transportation for students who qualify for support from Families in Transition 

    • Transportation for students who have transportation needs identified in their individual education plans (IEPs) and students enrolled in Skills Academy programs

    Please Note:  Neighborhood Bus Stops will no longer run. 

    If your student rode the bus in previous years and you do not see the route on the list above, unfortunately that means we will no longer be providing that route for the 2024-25 school year.

    We want to make sure you are aware of this change so you may start planning routines to get your children to school safely and on time.  

    We encourage families to work together to ride or walk together to school.  Also, please consider leaving a little earlier in the morning this year as there will be increased traffic at our schools.



    If you have any questions, please reach out to your school social worker directly or send an email to communications@gips.org