- Grand Island Senior High
- Islander Athletics
At Grand Island Public Schools, we provide relevant and engaging connections for students, both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.
Grand Island Senior High is simply an awesome place to be if you’re looking to get involved in activities. As you can see in this flier, we offer the full array of NSAA sports and activities as well as a strong number of clubs and other activities. We boast tremendous Class A facilities along with outstanding coaches and sponsors.
With our depth of activities, there is a place for everyone at Grand Island Senior High.
- Boys Tennis Josh Budler, jbudler@gips.org
- Cross Country (Boys & Girls) Megan Roach mroach@gips.org
- Football Jeff McQuinn, jmcquinn@gips.org
- Girls Golf Jeremiah Slough, jslough@gips.org
- Softball Scott Galusha, sgalusha@gips.org
- Volleyball Marcus Ehrke, mehrke@gips.org
- Boys Basketball Jeremiah Slough jslough@gips.org
- Girls Basketball Kathryn Langrehr klangrehr@gips.org
- Swimming Brian Jensen bgjensen@gips.org
- Boys Wrestling Joey Morrison jbmorrison@gips.org
- Girls Wrestling Matthew Hernandez mphernandez@gips.org
- Boys Bowling Paul Lee plee@gips.org
- Girls Bowling Brad Earnest bearnest@gips.org
- Unified Bowling Marc DuVall mduvall@gips.org
- Baseball Kirby Wells kwells@gips.org
- Boys Golf Jimmy Rash jrash@gips.org
- Boys Soccer James Panowicz jpanowicz@gips.org
- Boys Track Montie Fyfe mfyfe@gips.org
- Girls Soccer Bryan Ramallo bramallo@gips.org
- Girls Tennis Josh Budler jtbudler@gmail.com
- Girls Track Kip Ramsey kbramsey@gips.org
- Unified Track & Field Andrea Hill ahill@gips.org
- Athletic Training Todd Goshorn tgoshorn@gips.org
- Islander Power Patrick Doyle pdoyle@gips.org
- Cheerleading Bailee Mortiz bmoritz@gips.org
- GI Dance Team Kelby Mayfield kmayfield@gips.org