- Grand Island Public Schools
- Stakeholder Groups
The Superintendent meets with many people to be better informed about the district and the community of Grand Island. Within the district we have four set stakeholder groups she meets with on a regular basis.
- Key Communicators
- Teacher Leaders Coalition
- Student Advisory Council
- Parent Advisory Council
These groups are all crucial to the success of Grand Island Public Schools.
Key Communicators
OVERVIEW/PURPOSEThe Key Communicators improves the education of students by establishing effective, solid two-way communication between the community and the school district. Members provide feedback from the community on current school district proceedings and inform the school district of relevant community happenings. Key Communicators engage the business community, including individuals new to Grand Island and community members with no children in the school district. It provides a safe environment for sharing that encourages and welcomes input. Such a relationship serves as a bridge between the Grand Island community and Grand Island Public Schools.
The Key Communicators is composed of a powerful brigade of 50 community leaders and representatives. Membership aims to reflect the diversity of the citizens of the district. Membership is voluntary with a minimum commitment of one academic year. The district recognizes that personal and professional developments may arise and requests that you suggest an alternate member of your business if you become unable to fulfill your commitment. For information on becoming a member, contact Angela Dibbert adibbert@gips.org or 308-385-5900 x201140.
- Develop effective advocates/communicators for the district
- Assist in disseminating timely information about the school system and correcting misinformation and misperceptions
- Provide a channel for input from the community to assist the district in achieving established goals
- Provide feedback and input on special projects and/or strategic initiatives of Grand Island Public Schools
- Identify opportunities for collaboration and partnerships between the district and local businesses
- Attend and participate in meetings
- Provide feedback from the community at the monthly meetings and to district administrators
- Bring business and community developments/projects to the attention of administration that have, or may have, an impact on the school district
- Share the goals, initiatives and vision of Grand Island Public Schools with the community, so community members can become more informed and knowledgeable.
- Formulate a collaborative voice to represent/support the community and the district on necessary platforms
Meetings will be held bi-monthly during the academic year for a total of five meetings. Meetings will be held on the third Monday of the month at noon at the Kneale Administration Building and will last for approximately one hour.
Teacher Leaders Coalition
The Teacher Leaders Coalition improves the education of students by creating a bridge between teachers and district administration. The collaboration allows discussion of challenges, ideas, questions and successes in the school district to enhance student outcomes. It is an opportunity for teachers, central administration and the Superintendent to work as a solution-focused, innovative team to develop/implement best practices and ensure student success.
The Teacher Leaders Coalition is composed of current teachers and aspiring leaders in the school district: 1 representative from the Early Childhood Education program, 1 representative from each elementary school, 2 representatives from each middle school, and 3 representatives from the high school. This leadership opportunity is a two-year term.
Potential members are identified by principals and recommended to the GIPS District Leadership Team. As building administrators identify teacher leaders for this opportunity, please narrow applications submitted to 4 for elementary, 8 for each middle school, and 10 for GISH. Also, submit applications from across grade levels; such as PK-2, 3-5, 6-8, and across content levels at Senior High. The District Leadership Team will then identify participants from the applications submitted.
- Provide and provoke innovative solutions
- Provide administration with feedback and insight from the teachers' perspective on district processes, policies and initiatives to ensure that the needs of teachers are included as decisions are made in the district
- Facilitate communication among teachers
- Share important district information
- Grow teacher leaders by being a platform for professional growth
- Attend monthly meetings and engage in dialogue
- Share ideas, suggestions and research
- Provide feedback on school processes, programs, initiatives and goals
- Disseminate accurate district information to other teachers, respective schools and the community
Meetings will be held monthly during the academic year. Meetings will be held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. at the Kneale Administration Building and will last for approximately one hour.
Superintendent Student Advisory Council
The Superintendent Student Advisory Council improves the education of students by creating a bridge between students, staff and the Superintendent. The student perspective provides direct insight and important input as decisions are made for the school district. The student members are inspired to embrace the mission and vision of GIPS. The collaboration provides for the student voice and encourages involvement for Every Student, Every Day, a Success.
The Superintendent Student Advisory Council is composed of 20 members – 5 from each grade 9-12. Membership aims to reflect the diversity of the district's student population. Membership is via teacher/principal recommendation or through expressed interest of the student. There is a minimum commitment of one academic year. For information on becoming a member, contact the Grand Island Senior High School Principal.
- Establish effective, solid, two-way communication between district administrators and students
- Provide administration with feedback and insight from the students' perspective on district processes, policies and initiatives to ensure that the needs of students are included as decisions are made in the district
- Share important district information and broaden students' understanding of school-related issues
- Attend and participate in monthly meetings
- Inform and update the Superintendent and school administrators on student voices and concerns
- Provide relevant feedback on district processes, programs, initiatives and goals
- Disseminate accurate district information to other students, schools and the community
- Share viewpoints with the Board of Education Student Representative to ultimately engage with the Board of Education
Meetings will be held monthly during the academic year. Meetings will be held on the second Monday of the month at noon at Grand Island Senior High and will last for approximately one hour.
Parent Advisory CouncilOVERVIEW/PURPOSE
The Parent Advisory Council improves the education of students by creating a bridge between parents, guardians, families and the school district. Members serve as representatives of the diverse viewpoints of the campus they represent. The committee brings parents and district administrators together for collaboration and discussion to enhance student outcomes.
The Parent Advisory Council is composed of: 2 representatives from the GIPS Early Childhood Education program, 2 representatives from each elementary school, 2 representatives from each middle school and 3 representatives from the high school. Membership aims to reflect the diversity of the district’s student population. Membership is voluntary and a 2-year term of service is encouraged. For information on becoming a member, contact your campus principal. For information or questions regarding the group, contact Angela Dibbert adibbert@gips.org or 308-385-5900 x201140.
- Establish effective, solid two-way communication between the school district and parents
- Provide administration with feedback and insight from the parents’ perspective on district processes, policies and initiatives to ensure that the needs of parents and families are included as decisions are made in the district
- Facilitate communication among parents and parent organizations
- Help all families feel comfortable, welcome and “a part of” the district community
- Collaborate with school principals to develop an effective platform to share information learned and to gain insight to bring back to meetings on a monthly basis
- Attend and participate in monthly meetings
- Share ideas and suggestions
- Provide feedback on district processes, programs, initiatives and goals
- Disseminate accurate district information to parents, families and respective schools
Meetings will be held monthly during the academic year. Meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of the month at noon at the Kneale Administration Building and will last for approximately one hour.